Hey Hey Hello! I have to say that: EVERY GAMEDEV GUY HAS TO COMPLETE AT LEAST ONE GAME JAM IN HIS CAREER. Thanks for reading! Bye. I'm kidding. Today I will talk about my sound design in our Ludum Dare 41 game called "Trishoot". Here's the link to Trishoot : https://ldjam.com/events/ludum-dare/41/trishoot (just download and play :) ) (this is the shoot of the gameplay) The concept of this game came from game designer - Kornel - who shot an idea "Let's compare match-3 with shooter). Oh I just forgot to mention : theme of LD41 was "Combine 2 incompatible genres". So whole team loved the Kornel's idea, and we started prototyping. When I heard this concept, I immediately looking for the best audio solution of this game. Lucky (or unlucky xD) for me was fact, t...